Sunday, May 22, 2016

This is Our Rock -- Ararat

High above the firm feet and mighty calves that anchor --;

High above the bearing groins and creative loins that nurture --;

And high above the uplifting chin and snow-capped peaks that thunder -- Soars Mount Ararat.

Piercing the virgin blue sky behind the diaphanous clouds of Cirrus, vested in silk-spun gossamer cover. Further down, tighter knit Cumulus clouds providing extra linen for good measure; bashfully try to hide the petrous flesh of the mountain's magnificent and titillating physique.

Rock and Sky make love in dizzying altitude of 16854 feet, well above the unimaginative sea-level mundane worlds. This is No Gibraltar, folks -- this is ARARAT -- our Faith our Blood our Rock.

Welcome to our Rock.

Firmly planted and rooted in organic lands of Armenia since the get-go periods of historicity, so needs no re-introduction to all those swines who continue to roll in the mud of revisionism.

Ararat faces Yerevan, just look and see. This is exactly why Ararat has turned its back to those who practiced genocide on its autochthonous people. Ararat says to those marauders today, while humbly borrowing a sobering line from Matthew 7:23, "I never knew you. Depart from me, you who practice evil."

Is genocide not the ultimate Evil? Of course it IS! And it's dogged Denial too.

Long live, Ararat! Armenia's unshakable rock of faith.

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