Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dear Mr. President:

The following is a letter I sent to president Obama with my sincere desire of getting his ears ring the forgotten truth in his head like the bells of Notre Dame. After all, was he not the one who promised to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide while he was walking tall as a candidate? So, if this letter ends up in the trash-can without being read, alas, then I definitely ask for forgiveness from mother nature for committing a green sin against her and the tree from which I borrowed two sheets of paper to write on. I promise! I'll pay the tree back somehow.

Axxxx Axxxxxxxx
xxxx x xxxxxxx Ave
xxxxxxx,AZ 852xx

March 02, 2010

President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

Unlike your predecessor, Mr. Bush, you are a man of letters, a prescriptive professor, and a deserving Nobel Laureate; more importantly you are a compassionate decent human being who couldn't have been more perfectly positioned in this special place and time of our lives. In fact, I had, and continue to have, great faith in you, as the leader of the free world to soar to unprecedented heights of moral altitude in regards to the rawest of all human-rights issues, namely: Genocide and its Denial thereof -- specially, the non-acknowledgment issue of the Armenian genocide. Incidentally, Mr. President, apropos of your stentorian call to recognize the Armenian genocide, while you were still an aspiring presidential candidate, started off most magnanimously, but fizzled mournfully on a sour note soon after you took office.

I, for one, descendant of genocide survivors, hereby, take the liberty to act as a sounding board for the benefit of the remaining living few centagenarian survivors of the Armenian genocide. I have a strong visceral feeling that the survivors want to know the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. What could have possibly shook your principled posture that rattled your, once, firm and rock-solid ethical stance vis-a-vis the Armenian genocide? Most importantly, why did you opt to shoulder an unbending neck of self-restraint that disallows your head from dropping a natural nod of acknowledgment to this irrefutable historical fact? The Ottoman Turks, on the other hand, did not falter nor waver in making deep-dyed history as they perpetrated the first genocide of the 20th century in the killing fields of Anatolia. Why are you, then, still a little uneasy about reaffirming the incontestable historicity of those haunting events, Mr. president? Conversely, Turkish genocidaires were not a bit squeamish nor hesitant, as you seem to be now, when they let rivers of blood gush out of the necks of the Armenian race.

To date, there are a handful of genocide survivors alive who are quite determined to hang on to dear life, and still hoping against hope that you may find it in your heart to serve them justice, as the last leg of their life's arduous journey crash off the last withering page of the last crumbling chapter of their tragic existence, knowing full well that their lives will close twice, for soon they'll be facing, not one, but two-deaths-in-one for which you are, forgive me for saying so, dear president, an unwitting facilitator -- not by "action", mind you, but by "non-action".

For the love of God, Mr. president, I exhort you to -- please, please -- give these genocide victims peace! give them the justice they deserve! Acknowledge them! Don't sign them off into oblivion! These frail victims, I'm sure, will be happy to fill your pen with the ink of their last drop of blood just to see your heart-guided left hand do the right thing by signing on the dotted line which has been left blank for nearly 95 years now.

In closing, I say this to you Mr. president: When it's not necessary to deny, it's equally necessary not to deny. May God the Almighty guide you and show you the way.


Axxxx Axxxxxxxx

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Not Just Jews, Armenians Were Amongst "The Chosen People" Too

Jews? Chosen people? Perhaps, but it was the Armenians who had the menacing misfortune to be chosen first! The Ottoman Turks chose them first and, some 25 years later, the Nazi Germans chose the Jews next -- for slaughter, that is, and annihilation.

When the Turks perpetrated the first genocide of the 20th century by systematically massacring 1.5 million Armenians culminating in 1915 in western Armenia, all of the world's major powers, during and after these tragic events, were indifferent about it and they all chose to look the other way except for one -- Hitler. The Fuhrer took heed, for he had finally found the perfect genocide-template that the Turks had created before him, just as reminiscent in the following quote when he said in 1939 before his diabolic scheme to exterminate the Jews was put into action "Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?"

Miraculously, these two, ancient, proud, and resilient peoples are still standing today despite of the unspeakable atrocities done to them; both Jews and Armenians share the same unmistakable face of Holocaust victimhood today.

Despite of the commonality of pain that these two peoples share. Some Jews quickly forgot what "never again" and "enough is enough" meant to them. I write to you with a heavy heart today to express my disappointment with the current Jewish official denial stance vis-a-vis the Armenian Holocaust. To date, the majority of the influential Jewish power brokers and the powerful Jewish lobbies, the likes of the ADL, still engage ad nauseam in genocide denial activities on behalf of Turkish genecidairs. These aforementioned Jewish brethren are being very myopic in this regard, they should never expose their people's behinds by playing leapfrog with a diabolic unicorn of genocidal magnitude. As you may already know, no group of people could ever get full inoculation against future atrocities of genocide; also, if you abet barbarian butchers in denying a genocide, you automatically depreciate the memories and default the legitimacy of your own Holocaust victims.

I am happy to inform you that today there is a coalition to recognize the Armenian genocide, which is a grassroots group whose goal is to achieve official recognition of the Armenian genocide by the United States government. The coalition is the outgrowth of a dialogue between members of the Boston-area Jewish and Armenian communities. The group was formed in reaction to the Anti-Defamation League’s lobbying for the Turkish government against recognition of the Armenian genocide.

Please click on the link below to learn more. Participate by signing a petition on line to help bring about justice to the forgotten genocide victims.
