What's worse than a Holocaust denier? Answer: A Holocaust denier who's a Jew.
There is absolutely nothing more disturbing then the deafening sound of genocide denial drumbeat doggedly pounded by pace eminent people of prominence and leadership, e.g., Abe Foxman of the ADL--supposedly, a human rights organization headman-- or Tennessee congressman Steve Cohen -- purportedly, a representative voice of decent folks.
What makes this doubly disturbing and eerily spine-chilling is the fact that the aforementioned personalities et al are men with Jewish blood running through their veins, and yet fail miserably to comprehend the gravity of their improvident preoccupation with self-destructive genocide-denying activities -- the whole Jewish holocaust experience has taught them naught.
While Abe Foxman is no stranger to controversy, he is an ingrained denier extraordinaire; a bona fide tri-medalist champ worthy of gold, silver, and bronze medals, alas, if only "Genocide denial" were an Olympic event. But don't despair just yet, for perhaps someday, the indefatigable army of genocide deniers could realize this olympian feat too, if they lobby with the same level of zeal and vigor as they always, sinisterly, do against the Armenian genocide victims.
After all, the behavior of this highly duplicitous genocide-denying machine, unwittingly, overplay its hand. Let there be no doubt that the current Jewish modus operandi unjustifiably burdens every single Jew of conscious, and needlessly yokes the nation of Israel with the distinct honor -- and, yes, the bragging rights -- to lead the comity of nations with the privileges of hosting the first -- albeit highly hypothetical, but abundantly apropos -- "Genocide Denial Olympiad" of its kind aptly showcased against the juxstapositional backdrop of Yad Vashem -- This ought to give the star denier-athletes the added advantage to bring home the mother of all gold medals.
Recently, Congressman Steve Cohen is being a festering boil on the collective rump of society as this video indicates. Mr. Cohen, too, is getting involved in extracurricular genocide-denying activities. He is fighting tooth and nail against anti-genocide legislation; spewing ethnic slurs against the Armenian community; making disparaging, racist remarks as "these Armenians" and "those people," going so far as to generalize Armenians as assassins and killers. This corrupt politician is in the pockets of foreign governments and is nothing but a shameless denier too.
And what, say you, does moral shortage of some Jews have to do with us? P-L-E-N-T-Y!
Today, the few, living breathing genocide-denying Jews are well on their way of achieving what 6-million-fallen-Jews did not deserve: The fulfillment of the residual to "never again" call with "unless you're a Jew" conditional imagery.
If moral principles, ethical standards, and core values are worth defecating on, then, don't blame Mr. Ahmadinejad for borrowing a sheet or two (depending on the amount of crap) right out of Abe's "Foxma-deny-ejad" toilet scroll (sic) -- an eponymously apropos genocide-denial playbook. For Mr. Ahmadinejad's principles (and he's got a few,) by and large, matches well with those of Foxman's inner little-man's credo -- spitting images, indeed, of uncanny resemblance to the homegrown genocide-denying Jewish hypocrites, beamed right back to us, without the slightest of diffraction, from the holocaust-denying mirrors of Ahmadinejad's world.
So what might have caused this cataclysmic moral collapse in the malignant hearts and minds of some Jewish bigwigs? More importantly, are you still having a hard time wrapping your mind around the enormity of this Judaical moral dilemma? if you do, the answer is undeniably simple: Just ask the man in the mirror -- After all, if you're a genocide denier, as Abe Foxman and his numerous cohorts are, then the biggest lamentable L-I-A-R you'll ever have to deal with probably watches you shave his face in the mirror every morning.
Lastly, why don't you save your wheezing breath, all you deniers out there, and stop fogging up the proverbial mirror!